Your voice

You know what they takes a community. Have a look at all of the ways you can be a part of our Staffs Housing community below.

John Blair Customer Services (3)
Group of customers
Get involved
There's always room for improvement right? And we are always looking for customers to help us. No matter your background or personal circumstances, we're sure you can help.
Family In The Park
Tenant satisfaction measures
From April 2023 the government requires all housing providers in England to collect data on a new set of satisfaction measures formed and developed by the regulator of social housing to assess how well landlords are performing at providing good homes and services.
Family In The Park
You said, we did
We collect feedback from you our residents in a number of ways. Whether it's in person at our coffee mornings, at resident engagement events, as part of our complaints process, in tenant satisfaction surveys or as part of our neighbourhood support. We're sharing you said, we did updates on how your feedback is being used to change or improve things.
Group Of Customers (1)
Customer Voice Strategy
Our Customer Voice Strategy is a Group-wide document that's been developed alongside our five-year corporate plan. It sets out our commitment to continually improving your customer experience, by making sure you're kept at the heart of any key decisions across our organisation, and makes sure that you have the opportunity to have your voice heard.
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