Serving our customers and creating great experiences for you is the best part of our job. At Staffs Housing you matter, and we need you to help us improve your homes and services.
That’s why we’ve developed a customer voice document that sets out how you can use your voice as a customer to ensure you’re heard for both your own benefit and for the benefit of all our other customers.
Read the full customer voice document
Why get involved?
Getting involved can be a rewarding experience. You get to influence the way we work, and help make difference to the services we offer you and other residents.
For example:
- Some of our existing customers helped set our empty homes standard, this means that new residents get better decorated and well appointed homes to move into.
- Because customers told us that it was most important, more customers than ever get their enquiry solved by the first member of staff they speak to.
- Customers reviewed our anti-social behaviour response service and gave us recommendations for change which have made a big difference to the way we keep people informed.
Find out more in our Customer Voices newsletter
What will I do?
Working with other customers and our board of management, you’ll come up with exciting new ways to improve our services by helping us to understand your needs and expectations.
You'll look at the feedback from customers who have fed back from our other involvement methods, and if you believe Staffs Housing hasn't lived up to its promises, you can request a scrutiny of the service.
How will we help?
Once you’re signed up, we’ll provide training to give you the skills needed to complete the role. We’ll cover all travel costs and other out of pocket expenses, assistance with costs for childcare or if you care for an adult.
What skills are needed?
We’re looking for someone with a passion for improving our services for all customers and can spare some time each month to help us make this happen.
Interested in finding out more?
The results of previous meetings
If you want to find out more about how we've improved our complaints policy, take a look at the documents below.
What will I do?
You’ll be an essential part of our review of Staff Housing’s services. You’ll work with other customers to help steer our business decisions, governance and performance by testing a service and making recommendations on customer findings.
How will we help?
We’ll be there to support you every step as you challenge us to make sure we’re supporting out customers as best as we can
Once you’re signed up, we’ll provide training to give you the skills needed to complete the role. We’ll cover all travel costs and other out of pocket expenses, assistance with costs for childcare or if you care for an adult.
What skills are needed?
We’re looking for someone with a passion for improving our services for all customers and can spare some time each month to help us make this happen.
Interested in finding out more?
The results of previous meetings
If you want to find out more about how we've improved our complaints policy, take a look at the documents below.
What will I do?
By joining our Mystery Shopping Group you can have your say on our services by helping us to understand your needs and expectations.
As a Mystery Shopper you’ll cover two main areas – inspecting empty homes to make sure they meet our standards, and contacting our Customer Services teams either in person, by email or over the phone.
Following your input, your findings will be passed to our Customer Assurances Group.
How will we help?
Once you’re signed up, we’ll provide training to give you the skills needed to complete the role. We’ll cover all travel costs and other out of pocket expenses, assistance with costs for childcare or if you care for an adult.
What skills are needed?
We’re looking for someone with a passion for improving our services for all customers and can spare some time each month to help us make this happen.
What will I do?
You’ll join other customers and work with us to develop a plan to improve.
As a group, you’ll come up with an action plan of solutions to improve the service. During meetings, you’ll review how well we’re delivering our services by looking at customer feedback, performance information, scheme management issues, anti-social behaviour, as well as policies and budgets.
By joining our My Home Group, you can have your say on our services by helping us to understand your needs and expectations.
How will we help?
Once you’re signed up, we’ll provide training to give you the skills needed to complete the role. We’ll cover all travel costs and other out of pocket expenses, assistance with costs for childcare or if you care for an adult.
What skills are needed?
We’re looking for someone with a passion for improving our services for all customers and can spare some time each month to help us make this happen.
Interested in finding out more?
The results of previous meetings
If you want to find out more about how we've improved our complaints policy, take a look at the documents below.
What will I do?
You’ll work with other customers our Head of Customer Experience and maintenance contractor to identify areas where we’re performing well or need improvement.
During meetings you’ll discuss satisfaction figures, performance, management of the contract, day-to-day repairs, health and safety and compliance and budget to help create an action plan of solutions to improve our repairs service.
By joining our Repairs and Building Safety panel, you can have your say on our services by helping us to understand your needs and expectations.
How will we help?
Once you’re signed up, we’ll provide training to give you the skills needed to complete the role. We’ll cover all travel costs and other out of pocket expenses, assistance with costs for childcare or if you care for an adult.
What skills are needed?
We’re looking for someone with a passion for improving our services for all customers and can spare some time each month to help us make this happen.
Interested in finding out more?
The results of previous meetings
If you want to find out more about how we've improved our complaints policy, take a look at the documents below.
We also have plenty of ways to get involved, such as regular coffee mornings at our independent living villages.
If you interested in setting up your own activity or group, get in touch with us and we'll be happy to help.
Alternatively, you can apply for a grant for your involvement activity or group via our community fund.
How to get involved
Drop us an email
We're also a member of Tpas - the tenant engagement experts, so you can be sure that by working with you, we're doing all we can to improve our services for you and other residents.