We're here to help you

Your support hub

No matter what you're going through, we're here to help.

Older Mother And Daughter In Garden With Dog
Money advice
Running a home can be expensive, so our team are on hand to help.
Young Couple Hugging Near Window
ASB (anti-social behaviour)
We're here to help connect you to a new home and community. If something is causing you discomfort we'd like you to let us know.
Older Mother And Daughter In Garden With Dog
Cost of living
Running a home can be expensive, so our team are on hand to help.
Young Women Talking To Each Other Reduced
Domestic abuse
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone and equally anyone can be an abuser. So, it’s important you know how to spot the signs and where to go for help and support.
Older Lady Drinking Tea At Home
Learn new skills
Everyone deserves the opportunity to develop new skills, discover new hobbies and build a better future. That's why we're offering a range of free courses through our Live and Learn programme.
Couple At Home With Wheelchair
Aids and adaptations
If your home doesn't meet your needs and you need to make an adaptation, get in touch and we'll see how we can help.
Two Women Sat On Bench Laughing
Looking after your wellbeing
We want to make sure as a customer, you have a smile on your face. You and our community matter, so we’ve pulled together links to organisations that can support you with your wellbeing.
We believe that both adults and children should feel valued, safe and happy. That’s why we provide regular training to staff and have safeguarding policies to help protect you from harm and abuse.
Holding Hands
Mental health support
If you're struggling with your mental health, seeking help is often the first step towards getting and staying well, but it can be hard to know where to start or who to turn to.
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