Repairs and maintenance
It can be frustrating when it feels like things aren't going right. That's why we've pulled all our repair information together to make it as simple as possible to report a repair.
Pay your rent
Paying your rent is easy. We recommend setting up a direct debit, but you can pay online, over the phone or even pop into the office.
Manage your tenancy
You can find everything you need to know about your tenancy here.
ASB (anti-social behaviour)
We're here to help connect you to a new home and community. If something is causing you discomfort we'd like you to let us know.
Staying safe at home
We have your best interests in mind so you can depend on us to provide reliable and up to date health and safety advice and information.
Insuring your contents
Sometimes things don't always go to plan, that's why it's always useful to insure your home and possessions, so you're safe no matter the circumstances.
Homes are much more than brick and mortar, sometimes you need a pet to create a home you'll love.
Aids and adaptations
If your home doesn't meet your needs and you need to make an adaptation, get in touch and we'll see how we can help.
Home improvements
Everyone likes to make improvements to their home from time to time. Usually we’re very happy for you to do this, but we need you to let us know and get our approval before you start.
Contact us
When you contact us, you'll usually speak to a member of our Customer Services team, who will be happy to help you with repairs, paying your rent, updating your information and lots more.