Yes, as long as you're over 18.
We work hard to make sure our homes and communities are great places to live, so if you have convictions for certain offences, a history of nuisance, violence or anti-social behaviour, or large housing debt, you may not be able to join us at the moment.
We'll need to see original documents to confirm who you are and that your are eligible to rent a home. These include:
- Passport
- Birth certificate
- Driving licence
- National identity card
- Immigration status documents
- Benefit entitlement letters
One bedroom home - £70.19 per week or £304.16 per month
Two bedroom home - £80.22 per week or £347.62 per month
Three bedroom home - £90.12 per week or £390.52 per month
Four bedroom home - £105.66 per week or £457.86 per month
Don't forget every home is different so you may pay slightly more or less than our average rent.
Paying your rent is easy. We recommend setting up a Direct Debit, but you can pay online or over the phone.
Find out more about how to pay here
No but we do ask that you pay one month's rent in advance. Talk to us about ways to do this if you haven't got the money up-front.
A local lettings policy is an overall plan for lettings on an estate or scheme. It makes sure that the homes are lived in by the people the scheme was designed for and that the scheme is sustainable. What we mean by this is that our housing schemes have a healthy mix of residents, including those who can manage independently as well as those who need help to maintain their independence.
Examples of local lettings policies include:
- A rural development where priority may be given to applicants with family or employment connections to that area (because of the shortage of suitable rented homes in the area)
- An extra care housing scheme for older people, where care and support is provided, to achieve a mix of tenants of different ages and support needs. This would be to encourage a vibrant and sustainable community of people who have a range of ages and abilities to live together.
- A scheme of flats where there are a number of people with support needs we would look to balance the community by promoting some homes to residents who are much more independent and able to manage their tenancies with little involvement from Staffs Housing
If you have any questions about local letting policies give us a call on 01782 744533
Yes. You can read it and all of our other policies here
Some homes will need to pay a service charge.
Our service charge covers the cost of any additional services, like cleaning communal areas, communal TV aerials, gardening and maintaining equipment such as door entry systems.
We’re open and honest about any costs, so if you pay a service charge it’ll be listed on your tenancy agreement and rent review letters.
You can find out more by reading our service charges and estate services leaflet.