
From customers service standards to how we're achieving value for money, this page has everything you need.

Laura Dalton (2)

Tenant satisfaction measures

The government requires all housing providers in England to collect and publish data on how well they are performing at providing good homes and services. The measures cover things that are important to you like overall satisfaction, repairs, complaints handling, tackling ASB and whether your views are heard. 

Click to find out how Staffs Housing is delivering for you here

Our customer service standards

We've worked closely with customers to develop our customer service standards. Your involvement has helped us make sure that these standards reflect your priorities and your expectations.

Click here to read our customer service standards

You can find out how we're performing against these standards by reading our latest annual report

If you do not think we have met the service standards we promise, please let us know. Your feedback helps us do our jobs better.

Value for money

To find out more about where your money goes, you can read our latest annual report​.

If you would like even more detail about how we achieve value for money, you can read Honeycomb Group's latest accounts.

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