Contact us

We're open between 9am and 5pm. When you contact us, you'll usually speak to a member of our Customer Services team, who will be happy to help you with repairs, paying your rent, updating your information and lots more. There are lots of different ways to get in touch with us, the easiest is by email.

Middle Age Man At Home

General enquiry

If you want to get in touch about a general enquiry you can;

You can also fill in our online form 

Report a repair

Before reporting a repair, we recommend taking a look at our dedicated repairs section, which has information on types of repairs, how long they take, and more. 

Take me to your repairs section

To log a repair, complete our online form

Or you can get in touch by:

Report ASB

First things first, we recommend that you take a look at our dedicated ASB (anti-social behaviour) page that has lots of information on what to do, and how we can help.

Take me to the ASB section

If you need to report anti-social behaviour complete our online form

Or you can get in touch by:

Make a complaint or compliment

We work hard to get things right, but if you're unhappy you can make a complaint here.

If you think we've done a great job, we'd like to know too. 

Take me to the make a complaint or compliment page



Shared ownership

If you want to find out more about shared ownership you can;

You can also fill in our online form

Media enquiry

For press and media enquiries contact:

Alex Green – Head of Communications and Engagement
07970 944176

Laura Weston – Communications and Marketing Manager
07971 590557

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