Working with local councillor Lilian Dodd to clean up the streets of Dresden

Date: 30/03/2023

Last month staff from across Staffs Housing and local councilor Lilian Dodd came together to clean up the streets of the Dresden area to improve the lives of residents. 

We have over 70 homes in the community and when Neighbourhoods Officer Vicki Bernard visited the scheme earlier this year she saw lots of litter, fly-tipped waste, and a lack of bins in the community. 

Surprised by the discovery she decided to take action. 

“When I visited, I was shocked at the amount of litter in the community”, said Vicki.

“Supporting neighbourhoods and communities at Staffs Housing is important to us.

“We know that having a good home is more than just bricks and mortar and is about the community you live in too.

“I know the litter will have been irritating our residents and decided to do something about it.

“I contacted the local councillor Lilian Dodd, and her response was great. She let me know that she regularly holds community clean-ups to combat the issue and I asked if we could help.

“I managed to rally a team of Staffs Housing colleagues and together we helped to clean up the streets of Dresden.

“In just one day we filled three skips, 20 bags of rubbish, and created a pile of wood and cardboard for the council to recycle.

“It was a great day and was so nice to see residents, the councillor, and staff from Staffs Housing all come together to make a difference to the community.

Local Councillor Lilian said she’s pleased to see that Staffs Housing are part of the solution and not the problem.

“I regularly hold events like this for my residents”, said Lilian.

“They are very passionate about keeping their neighbourhood clean and tidy and often complete litter picks. Unfortunately, in recent months we’ve seen an increase in fly tipping in the area.

“I'm happy to see Staffs Housing getting involved.”

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