Supporting world cup campaign to reduce domestic abuse

Date: 24/11/2022

This winter, we're supporting a domestic abuse charity’s campaign to highlight the rise in domestic abuse cases during major football tournaments.

Glow's #DontBringItHome campaign is urging anyone who recognises abusive behaviour in themselves this football season to reach out for support. As data shows that domestic abuse increases by 26% on match days.

We're showing our support by sharing the campaign with residents along with information on how to get support. 

Both Glow and Staffs Housing are part of Honeycomb Group and we hope the partnership will help to keep people safe from harm.

Housing Manager Laura Dalton explains: “As part of the work we do to support people experiencing domestic abuse, we’re proud to be sharing Glow’s #DontBringItHome campaign this year.

“We want our residents to live in a good home they’re proud of and not in fear because of someone else’s behaviour.

“Throughout the world cup we’ll be sharing the campaign with residents and provide contact information for support.

Laura says this is just one of the ways Staffs Housing advocates for residents experiencing domestic abuse. 

“Our Housing Officers are trained to spot the signs of domestic abuse”, Laura continues.

“Their roles are customer facing, in the community. They're trained to look out for signs of abusive relationships and have tools and information to intervene and keep people safe.

“As an organisation we’re also working towards a domestic abuse housing alliance accreditation. A benchmark for how housing providers respond to domestic abuse in the UK.

“We want to make sure we get it right when people come to us in their time of need. Protecting our residents from abuse or supporting residents experiencing it has to be a priority. It's one of the reasons we’re so proud to support Glow’s world cup campaign.

“By working together, we hope we can address overcome and end domestic abuse for residents living in our communities.

For support, or to find out more about the campaign, visit

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