Proud volunteer Kath encourages others to get involved to help reduce loneliness

Date: 02/08/2022

Rowan Village resident Kath is proud to be a volunteer at the on-site shop and recently bought her own t-shirt to celebrate.

Kath has lived at Rowan Village for four years and has volunteered since moving in. She says her previous experience of retail and not wanting to be isolated is what spurred her on and is now convincing others to do the same.

Kath explains: “I used to work for Tesco before moving to Rowan Village. I worked on the checkouts for over eight years but left when I came here.

“When I made the move, I wanted to get involved and keep busy to stop myself from feeling lonely or isolated. I decided to use my skills learnt at Tesco and put them to use by volunteering in the shop.

“A typical day in the shop can be anything from stock rotation, deliveries, serving customers and repricing. The thing I love most is speaking to people and building a relationship with those people that come back.

“It’s probably one of the reasons I worked for Tesco for so long. A five-minute conversation with someone can make their day and help them feel less lonely.

Kath has met many friends through volunteering and someone she now goes on holiday with too.

“Before COVID-19 I met one of my neighbours and we’ve been inseparable ever since. We started meeting for coffee and having a natter. Then we started going out for day trips and progressed into going on holiday together.

“We’ve been on several coach trips in the UK, but we’re looking forward to travelling abroad once things settle after COVID-19.

After having such a great volunteering experience at Rowan Village Kath wants others to consider it too.

“The village is great. It has facilities like the shop, café and restaurant on site. They’re all supported by volunteers and are vital services that help those that can’t get out.

“To anyone thinking of getting involved, just do it! It’s such a rewarding experience that helps others and helps you build connections too.

“You get a great sense of achievement, and it stops you from feeling lonely and isolated in your apartment all day.”

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