
We believe that both adults and children should feel valued, safe and happy. That’s why we provide regular training to staff and have safeguarding policies to help protect you from harm and abuse.

How do we keep you safe?

  • We empower customers to have control over their lives and make their own decisions without.
  • We provide customers with information to help them report crime and abuse, and get further support if needed.
  • We consult with customers before we take any action. Where someone lacks capacity to make a decision, we always act in his or her best interests.
  • We put the welfare of our customers first and work with other agencies where required.
  • We review our safeguarding policies each year to make sure they are still relevant and effective.
  • We train our staff to make sure they can identify when people are at risk of harm or abuse.
  • We have a clear process that our staff follow to respond when they have identified that someone is at risk or suffering harm. If necessary, in an emergency calling 999.

To find out more, read our safeguarding policies. 

Adult safeguarding policy

Children safeguarding policy

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