Report your repair with Front Door

Types of repair

Knowing the type of repair will help you know how you repair will take.

Man On The Phone

Emergency repairs

An emergency is a situation that may be classified as a repair which compromises the health, safety or security of the resident or the public, or may lead to further damage to property, e.g. flooding caused by a burst pipe. We aim to make emergency repairs in the first 24 hours of reporting them. Typical emergency works are:

  • Gas leaks
  • Major water leaks or bursts
  • Major roof leaks
  • Complete loss of power
  • Complete lighting failure
  • Dangerous electrical faults
  • Faulty door locks where their security is an issue
  • Re-glazing where there may be a security risk
  • Blocked drains (below ground)
  • Dangerous structures
  • Heating or hot water failure where there is no alternative source of heating (October to March)

Where an emergency is raised outside of normal working hours, a contractor will remove the threat to health, safety or security only. Then the remainder of job will be dealt with under the specified repair priority.

Urgent jobs

Urgent jobs are situations that may cause inconvenience but pose no actual immediate danger to a person or property. We aim to make urgent repairs within the first 3 days of reporting them. Typical urgent works are:

  • Faulty door entry systems where there may be a security risk
  • Lift breakdowns
  • Minor electrical problems
  • Re-glazing
  • Plumbing faults
  • Heating or hot water failure where there is no alternative source of heating. (April to September)
  • Heating or hot water failure where there is an alternative source of heating. (October to March)
  • Communal TV aerials

In some instances we may carry out a pre-inspection before we carry out an urgent job (if time allows). This may result in confirmation that the job is not an urgent job but a routine job.

Routine jobs

Routine jobs are situations which may cause a minor inconvenience but doesn't pose a risk to you, other people or property, or which will not lead to further expenditure if delayed. We aim to make routine repairs within the first 10 days of reporting them. Typical routine works are:

  • Minor plumbing repairs
  • Rainwater and guttering repairs
  • Plastering
  • Joinery repairs
  • Heating failure where there is an alternative source of heating. (April to September)

Prioritising jobs

We prioritise jobs based on several factors, such as whether you're vulnerable or if the household has an infant (under 6 months old). Sometimes, this means we might make a job a priority and carry out the repair sooner. 

Most jobs should be completed within the response time but in some cases the completion date may need to be extended, such as in the following cases:

  • If parts need to be ordered
  • The works are extensive
  • ‘Drying out’ time is required
  • The tenant is not available
  • The job has been reclassified as the danger has been resolved

If we, or a contractor acting on our behalf, needs to extend the work, we will tell you when we expect the works to continue.

If a job is late, this will be investigated.

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